Although the concept of doggy daycare is not something new, with a majority of pet parents working outside the home, dog daycare provides both a social outlet for dogs during the day as well as a means of preventing separation anxiety. Once thought to be a luxury for a highly spoiled pup, dog daycare is
Read moreHave noticed how many of your friends and neighbors are taking their dogs to doggie daycare? You might wonder what all the fuss is about? Maybe your one of those people who think it’s silly, a waste of time and money to take the dog to daycare. Can’t pets just hang out at home and
Read moreExercise is important to your mental and physical well-being, but your pup needs exercise to stay healthy and well-behaved. Often, people that have dogs are gone all day at work. Of course, they walk their dogs when they return, but is your pup really getting enough exercise? Returning to your home and finding the sofa
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